Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I just got done reading this article by Tommy Christopher of You can click the link to read the article itself, I'll also be adding a video from the article to this post.

I like the style of Tommy Christopher, he gets straight to the point gives up the necessary information needed and is clearly organized in his writing. Something I spend all my time doing on this blog, organizing a lot of what is being said all over the airwaves and internet. So watch this video and do yourself a favor head over to and read the article.

As the article mention and the video shows, President Obama's stand on marriage equality was that he has their beliefs and that they are evolving as he reviews this issue. Yet, here Jay Carney says the President's view stand hasn't changed and when asked about the Obama's evolving beliefs, he didn't even back peddled and just made the statement. "The President has said in the past what his position was on that [gay marriage]," followed by "I have no update on that."

Obama, we love you and support you and helped get you into office, now do the right thing and help us enjoy the same rights as everyone else... come on Mr. First Black President.

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